Lutz Ihnken Hungarian TPO catalogue


This catalogue is based on the studies of Lutz Ihnken. The subject Hungarian TPO is as complex, that even more than a catalogue is needed to embrace it. This catalogue should be the stepping stone which includes, lists and prices the tpo-postmarks; for this it should be the central element to collect this subject. All postmarks of approx. 1868 - 1960 are taken into account within this catalogue. Ihnken tried to typify the known postmarks and order them due to the following criteria:

  • TPO-number (if available)
  • route name
  • type of postmark

Main sources for this catalogue are:

  • A Magyar Bélyegek Monográfiája, Vol.I
  • A Magyar Bélyegek Monográfiája, Vol.VI

The Monográfia has shown, that many postmarks had been registered, but not all. To get the catalogue more complete the support of many collectors is needed. Keep in mind, many items are known from other documents, but not yet seen as original.

If someone has a postmark that is not yet recorded, please send a scan via e-mail (Lutz.Ihnken(at)Lutz-Ihnken(dot)de).

Latest version of Luzt Ihnken\'s TPO Cataloque